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2.  Installing the LDAP Module
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Installation is generally required once for each upgrade.

Backup the entire Sitecore solution including any existing “/data/module/ldap*.xml” and “/sitecore/shell/security templates.xml” before installing or re-installing.  The module is distributed as a Sitecore package; see for installation details.  Perform the remaining installation instructions after you install the module but  before you restart the Sitecore client.

Add the <field> definitions below to both the User and Role templates defined in “/sitecore/shell/security templates.xml”.

<field id="{2fc94eac-b89b-471c-a02b-a2e0c3f0d7f1}" name="Fromldap" icon="" shared="1" sortorder="" source="" type="checkbox" unversioned="1" />
<field id="{12839728-64a7-4f60-b172-30e83fd5a34a}" name="Directoryname" icon="" shared="1" sortorder="" source="" type="text" unversioned="1" />

These lines should be added inside the <section name="Data" ...> tags, for example:

  <template id="{A7DF04B4-4C4B-44B7-BE1E-AD901BD53DAD}" name="Role" fullname="Role" icon="Network/16x16/id_card.png" baseids="">

    <section id="" name="Data" icon="">
      <field id="{2fc94eac-b89b-471c-a02b-a2e0c3f0d7f1}" name="Fromldap" icon="" shared="1" sortorder="" source="" type="checkbox" unversioned="1" />
      <field id="{12839728-64a7-4f60-b172-30e83fd5a34a}" name="Directoryname" icon="" shared="1" sortorder="" source="" type="text" unversioned="1" />

It is not necessary for GUIDs to be unique for each template in security templates.xml file.

The following instructions differ for Sitecore 5.0; please contact Sitecore for details if you are using that release.

For Live or Mixed validation mode (see Mode Selection), change the assembly for Sitecore and Extranet domains in the <domains> section of /web.config from Sitecore.Kernel to LDAPmodule (this step is not necessary for Replication mode):

<domain id="sitecore" singleInstance="true" type="Sitecore.SecurityModel.Domain, Sitecore.Kernel">
<domain id="sitecore" singleInstance="true" type="Sitecore.Modules.LDAP.LDAPDomain, LDAPmodule">
<domain id="extranet" singleInstance="true" type="Sitecore.SecurityModel.Domain, Sitecore.Kernel">
<domain id="extranet" singleInstance="true" type="Sitecore.Modules.LDAP.LDAPDomain, LDAPmodule">


If your data folder (specified by DataFolder web.config setting) is located outside the web site root folder you should move the files ldapclientgroups.xml, ldapclientusers.xml, ldapextranetgroups.xml, ldapextranetusers.xml from /data/modules folder to the $(dataFolder)/modules folder.

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